As its name suggests, the dwarf crayfish is a small type of crayfish that lives in freshwater environments. They are very popular in the aquarium industry because of their small size, attractive appearance, and ease of care.
They are a great option for hobbyists who keep them for ornamental value because they exist in a variety of colors which include brown, blue, green, and red.
Usually, the dwarf crayfish grows to about 2-3 inches in size. They also play a huge role in providing a source of food to people and maintaining the ecological balance by feeding on debris and excess food that might be in their environments.
Read on and find out why a majority of aquarium hobbyists prefer keeping these beautiful crayfish over others.
Characteristics of Dwarf Crayfish
Dwarf crayfish have unique characteristics that make them attractive and interesting to any marine life enthusiast.
Physical appearance
The dwarf crayfish is small and can easily be likened to a lobster because of their similar appearances from a far distance. Their bodies have a hard shell accompanied by a body that aids in swimming inside the water.
Like any other animal, this crayfish is very well adapted to its environment which is full of predators. Its body, for instance, has a very hard protective coat and sharp horns that can be used to knock its predator back.
The dwarf crayfish has a pair of antennae on the head, which it uses to feel the environment and also smell its food. Below the antennae are also a pair of large black eyes that look like beads.
Dwarf crayfish have five pairs of legs. Four of them are used for walking in their environments, either in the wild or at the bottom of the tank. The other pair has chelipeds which are also known as claws or pinchers.
Lobsters and other types of crayfish typically use their pinchers to harm other crustaceans or fish.
However, the dwarf crayfish does not harm other water animals and therefore does not use their pinchers for this purpose, which is probably because they are too small to perform this task.
The most incredible part of the dwarf crayfish is its ability to swim. It has a tail and fins that help it to swim in the tank, although they normally crawl while scavenging for food in the substrate.
Their fins, usually referred to as swimmerets, are usually found underneath the tail, and aid in giving them control while swimming and navigating the waters.
The color of the dwarf crayfish varies with the environment and species.
Most of the crayfish have an adaptive greyish-brown shade that balances with the environment well. This color is complemented by black or darker brown shades.
However, those blended in captivity are usually orange in color. Therefore, if you are buying from a pet store, this is probably the color that you will get.
The orange ones are the Mexican Dwarf Crayfish which have translucent bodies. Some may have red markings on their bodies while others might have dark orange stripes.
With a critical examination, you can differentiate a male from a female by looking at the bottom side of the abdomen.
Males have more pleopods which form a triangular shape that seems like small legs. They use these pleopods for internal fertilization.
Behavior and temperament
Dwarf crayfish are known for their peaceful temperament that enables them to be friendly to other crustaceans. Nonetheless, they can be territorial when exposed to a harsh setting.
For instance, they tend to defend their territory and might threaten each other. However, this is not usually the case, and they can therefore not be termed as aggressive.
The Mexican crayfish is aggressive to its own kind and they might bite each other. This, however only happens when you overpopulate the tank.
With time they develop a high temper that will make them bite the other in a bid to have control over the small space.
While they are small creatures, they can sometimes tend to misbehave and come out of the water tanks.
This movement is aided by their strong legs which help them to crawl over the tank so they might spend a significant amount of time outside water.
Generally, dwarf fish are more peaceful than other types of fish. They will interact with them well, and will not harm them. Most of their time is typically used for scavenging for food in the substrate.
Diet and feeding habits
Dwarf crayfish are omnivorous creatures that will feed on just anything that they will find inside the tank.
In captivity, the best diet to feed them is high-quality pellets supplemented by leafy green vegetables or fruits.
If you keep them with other types of fish, they will feed well on the leftovers and will also eat the algae in the tank. As such, they are good at cleaning the tank, and you might not need to do it yourself regularly.
If you chose to give the dwarf crayfish live food, consider the ones that will settle at the bottom of the tank, so they can comfortably scavenge from there.
For instance, snails, earthworms, and black worms are foods that they will enjoy eating.
A supplementation of vegetables such as zucchini, peas, and cucumbers is a perfect meal for the little crustaceans. Ensure that these vegetables are clean before dipping them in the fish tank.
Cuttings or dried aquarium plants could also be a good diet. However, if you do not know the types of these plants, it could be better if you could avoid adding them.
A diet of frozen food like brine shrimps, bloodworms, and other small creatures could also be if they are available.
You should ensure that you feed your fish regularly, so they can remain healthy although. Poor diet and poor quality of water could damage the health of your fish. Therefore, ensure that these two elements are always checked.
Habitat and Distribution
Dwarf crayfish are popular with many aquarists because of their ability to adapt to various environmental conditions.
A. Natural habitat and range
The natural habitat of the group of dwarf crayfish is a freshwater environment that includes pods, rivers, and streams.
Usually, they are native to, Mexico while some other species can be found in other parts of the world, especially Madagascar.
Dwarf crayfish are flexible crustaceans that can adapt to a variety of environmental conditions. They can live in fast or slow streams, murky waters, or clear waters.
However, the natural habitat can be different from one place to another, making the fish have varying adaptations.
Some species can accommodate a wide range of temperatures from warm to cold while others can live in different levels of oxygenation.
The majority of the fish from this group live in shallow waters and prefer spaces that have hiding areas such as vegetation, trunks, or rocks. In the wild, they will feed on plant material, small aquatic animals, insects, snails, and other crustaceans.
When sourcing your crayfish from the wild habitat to the tank, always ensure that they do not have any complications such as diseases, because they might infect the rest of their tankmates.
B. Aquarium setup for Dwarf Crayfish
As mentioned before, dwarf crayfish are not demanding and do not need a lot of care. However, certain specifications need to be met for an aquarist to acquire the benefit of keeping these beautiful crustaceans.
The setup of the aquarium must be comfortable for the fish to swim around and scavenge for food.
Since they are calm creatures, a filter might not be necessary for the tank because they don’t require a strong filter system. Furthermore, they can eat most of the food in the tank.
If you must have a filtration system, consider a simple one that will not disturb them. It is critical to keep the tank clean since the fish are susceptible to diseases if the water quality is not so good.
A moderate tank of about 5-gallon size will be enough to accommodate two to three little beauties. However, if you have a lot of them, it is ideal to consider having a larger tank of about 20 gallons.
While designing the water tank, also ensure that you have a water testing kit so that the conditions of the tank are well met.
If you find any big variations, you will have to change the settings so they can stay within the recommended range.
The calm nature of the little crayfish requires them to have a lot of hiding places if they are bred in captivity. The hiding area will give them a place to retreat if they sense a predator, and also during their molting stage.
While molting, the body cover of the crayfish is usually soft, and hiding will ensure that they stay safe until their shells have hardened enough to face predators.
You can set up the tank anywhere in your house, as long as it is safe from predators. Dwarf crayfish are relatively small when compared with their counterparts, so they won’t take much of your space.
Nonetheless, ensure that they can freely move inside the tank. Don’t squeeze them too much. Try to imitate the natural environment by making them feel safe and free.
Before you introduce the fish to the tank, ensure that it has enough substrate, since they will spend most of their time digging them. The best substrate for dwarf crayfish is basalt since it influences their growth.
Basalt tends to imitate the natural environment because, in Mexico, these fish are typically found in lava sandy areas.
The greyish-black color and small particles of basalt are similar to the substrate of their natural habitat.
If you do not have basalt, fine sand and gravel are also be ideal.
C. Water conditions for Dwarf Crayfish
Diet and water conditions are the most important aspects of fish keeping that influence how healthy the fish are and the probability of breeding large quantities.
The first thing to do when designing your tank is to ensure that the water you put inside is clean. The temperature of the water should be maintained at 64 degrees Fahrenheit and pH levels of at least 7.5 – 8.0.
These ranges were found in the natural environment from where the fish originates. Therefore, try to mimic the levels if you are looking forward to a successful crayfish aquarium.
If you notice that the temperature levels are not constant, you can try to change the water constantly until you achieve the right temperature.
However small variations are not alarming since this crayfish is a hardy creature. Warmer temperatures are ideal for this fish.
Regularly changing the water will also ensure that the tank is clean, which will increase the viability of your project. Water hardness should range from 6 to 12 dKH.
High levels of ammonia and nitrates will endanger your fish. Ensure that you change the water at least once a week to eliminate these elements.
In addition, ensure that the water does not have mold, which might be lethal to the fish. It is a highly infectious disease that could affect all the crustaceans in the water tank.
D. Compatible Tank Mates
While choosing the best tank mates for dwarf crayfish it is critical to consider their size, behavior, and diet.
Larger fish will try to intimidate the small fish because of space, while those that eat the same types of foods might try to compete for food. Nonetheless, if the food is enough there is no need to worry.
Another factor to consider is the water requirements of the tank. The two or three types that you choose to put inside one tank must share similar water requirements such as pH level, hardness, and temperature.
Keeping aggressive fish in the same tank as dwarf crayfish will also make the little ones feel intimidated. They might be bitten or made to remain in the hideouts without enjoying the freedom of roaming in the tank.
Other small and peaceful types of fish or water creatures will be the ideal tank mates for the dwarf crayfish. For instance, nerite or mystery snails will be the most favorable tank mates because of their small sizes and peaceful nature.
Snails are slow-moving and will also help in cleaning the tank by eating algae. They will also provide good hideouts for the crayfish whenever they feel threatened.
Neon tetras are also a perfect match for dwarf crayfish since they are small and peaceful. They are not aggressive and are therefore less likely to threaten the crayfish.
Together, they can add good vibrant color that is attractive to the eye. Other than this, they also share similar water requirements.
However, you should ensure that they have enough space to avoid any negative temperament that may result.
Breeding Dwarf Crayfish
Breeding dwarf fish is not a complicated process as long as their tank is clean and they are on a healthy diet. They will breed many offsprings if these conditions are well maintained.
A. Reproductive behavior and mating habits
When the dwarf crayfish are mating, you do not need to provide anything extra, but just ensure that the tank requirements are okay. The crayfish will mate by themselves without any intervention from the carer.
However, you need to ensure that in a tank, there is a male and a female to start the breeding process. The two will reach maturity age at about 2.5 to 3 months.
The courtship period will occur before mating happens. Usually, the male seems to be aggressive towards the female and will chase her and nipple her tail.
The temperament of the male is used to mark territory and show dominance over other males. In this case, the female attention will be toward this specific male.
Some males will stay close to the female all throughout to prevent other males from dominating her.
B. Incubation and hatching of eggs
Rather than bearing young ones, crayfish are oviparous and usually lay eggs. The female fish will carry the eggs for some weeks before hatching.
The female usually lays about 20 to 60 eggs during the breeding cycle. After laying, she will place the eggs between her swimmerets under the tail.
She will deposit a thin mucous that will protect the eggs from predators, or any harsh environmental condition. From time to time, she is also seen cleaning the eggs.
The eggs will be fertilized by the male, after which they will begin the incubation period. The period may last for several weeks but environmental factors might influence the length of the period.
The larvae will hatch into young ones after ending the incubation period
C. Raising and caring for Dwarf Crayfish babies
The juveniles will cling to their mother for a few days after birth. They need the mother’s protection because they are vulnerable to predators and the harsh environment.
After some time, their shells will then become hard and they can survive on their own.
It is good to separate the babies from the mother if they can swim on their own. In most cases, the mother is not advised to live in the same tank with the little ones.
During this time, they can feed on the same food that the adults feed on, but in small bits.
When separating the babies from the mother, ensure that the tank is well-cleaned and filtered to increase the survival rates.
Also, clean regularly to eliminate the buildup of toxins, because the young ones might not manage to eat all the algae like the adult ones.
As they get bigger, provide them with enough hiding places, so they can hide whenever they feel threatened.
Generally, dwarf crayfish are manageable and can be bred in captivity without a lot of intervention.
A. Summary of key points
The hardy nature of the dwarf crayfish and low maintenance needs makes it a great companion to most aquarists. They have vibrant colors and energetic personalities that make them more loveable.
The major requirements needed in keeping these beautiful crustaceans is maintaining a suitable environment and enough space for them to swim across.
A well-filtered tank will serve them well and will also reduce the risk of catching any of the major diseases that attack fish and help in the buildup of toxins.
If you provide a good diet and a lot of hiding places these little crustaceans will be happy and will spend their time entertaining you.
One crucial aspect that should not be ignored is overcrowding because it will result in aggressive behavior to tank mates.
If you follow these guidelines you are sure to breed another generation that will be fascinating and active.
B. Importance of conservation and protection of Dwarf Crayfish populations
Because of their size and calm nature, dwarf fish are facing in thereat, especially those living in the wild habitats. As a result, they are bound to experience habitat loss.
Human populations are growing each day, while streams and rivers are drying up every other day. In the future dwarf crayfish population can decline fast, therefore there is a need to protect them.
In addition, the pollution witnessed in water bodies is massive, especially the one originating from industrial waste and agricultural runoff. The water quality of these fish might be altered rendering them dead.
The introduction of non-native species into the ecosystem will also be another element that will drive crayfish out because of competition for food and other resources. This might lead to the extinction of the dwarf species.
C. Encouragement for responsible aquarium ownership and breeding practices.
Owning an aquarium is a noble thing to do because it helps in taking care of the aquatic animals and is also a rewarding experience.
However, you should ensure that you do it responsibly by providing proper housing, diet, water conditions, and medical attention when there is a need.
The high maintenance needed in the breeding stage should be well thought out and only be practiced with prior experience or enough resources and knowledge that will enable the juveniles to survive.
Responsible aquarium practices will result in the happiness of aquatic life and the preservation of biodiversity.