Who Are We?
Hey there, and thank you for visiting our website! We love fishkeeping and we are an aquarium fanatic. Over the years, we’ve come to realize that building a site for fish lovers would be a great idea to help everyone out there who wants this hobby to be fun and exciting. We want to share our learnings with like minded people.
What You’ll Find On This Site
On this website you will learn groundbreaking and up-to-date information about fishkeeping, how to care for your pet fish, water tanks, types of water, plants and accessories. We believe that a hobby that we love is something we pursue and go back to time and time again. It is really fun. That’s why we’ve decided to call this website “Fishkeeping Adventure.”
Get In Touch
If you have any suggestions, or would like to get in touch with us.
Contact Us at fishkeepingadventure.com/contact
Thanks again for stopping by and wish you the best!
Stay safe! 🙂