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Have you ever wondered which is one of the most peaceful and ornamental fish in the world? The usual answer is the goldfish. However, you should know there are many goldfish varieties today, each with its distinct color and appearance.

One of them is the Black Moor Goldfish, characterized by their bulging eyes and unique black scales. The Black Moors are excellent additions to any fish tank, but how easy is it enough to care for them?

Find out more about what they are and how to care for them in this comprehensive Black Moor Goldfish care guide.

A Brief Overview

The Black Moor Goldfish is a type of goldfish that has telescopic eyes but with black color. It has an egg-shaped body and very bulging eyes where its name is derived.

They are from the Cyprinidae family, which is also called fancy goldfish. Due to their telescopic eyes, Black Moor Goldfish are also called “Demekin” or “Dragon Eyes.”

Chinese fish breeders became first aware of the Black Moor Goldfish in 1000 AD. They decided to start breeding the fish, and in the 1500s, it was introduced to Japan. Once in Japan, the fishers there chose to produce them further, where their distinct long fins and brighter color came.

In general, these fish are peaceful, which means they can’t cause much trouble with other fish in the tank, especially since they swim slowly. When black moors are stressed, they hide in the tank to recover.

Types Of Black Moor Goldfish

Since the Black Moor Goldfish are considered the fancy goldfish family, it’s no coincidence that it has plenty of features from different types of fish. For example, it has a short egg-shaped body. In addition, the original Black Moors had fantails, but the current ones have long-flowing fins.

You should also know that some of the most recent breeding experiments have produced additional types of Black Moor fish, which include the following:

  1. Black oranda goldfish
  2. Black lion head goldfish
  3. Black ranchu goldfish
  4. Black pearl scale goldfish
  5. Black comet goldfish
  6. Black bubble eye goldfish

How Color Develops In A Black Moor Goldfish

When Black Moors are young, they typically have a brownish color instead of black. Moreover, although they already have an egg-shaped body, they often lack the species’ unique telescopic eyes.

Then, after about eight weeks, they begin to mature, which means their well-known black color begins to manifest itself, and their telescopic eyes even begin to develop.

Still, many experts have repeatedly said that placing them in warm water could result in them having a bronze color instead, diminishing its black color.

A Black Moor’s age also plays an essential factor. As they get older, the black pigmentation slowly disappears. Nonetheless, some still maintain the color up to their death.

Care Level Needed

Black Moor fish don’t need much care, making them ideal low-maintenance additions to any fish tank. In fact, they can handle water changes quite well, unlike other fish species. They also don’t need much space to thrive, making them excellent first options for beginners.

However, you should know that it’s vital to have a clean tank for the Black Moor to survive well. If you notice any signs of infection, you should isolate them immediately to prevent the disease from spreading to the other fish in the tank.

Behavior And Temperament

Black Moor fish are generally peaceful. They know how to keep to themselves and mind their own business. However, when new fish are introduced to the tank, they often don’t take to the newcomers kindly.

Still, since these goldfish are slow swimmers, they usually spend much of their time going back and forth inside the tank without any issue. Because of this, they don’t need plenty of activities to keep them entertained.

You can find most of them hanging around in the middle of the tank. With that said, they are known to retreat and hide when they feel threatened or stressed by activity in the tank. That’s why placing other types of fish with similar temperamental levels with the Black Moor can be a good idea.

Still, it’s better to have them together to move in shoals.

General Appearance

As mentioned, these type of goldfish have bulging eyes. This is due to intraocular pressure.

Their eyes become more prominent as they bulge even more as they age. However, despite their large eyes, their vision tends to be poor.

Aside from their bulging eyes, the Black Moors also have big bellies and bulging shapes. As a result, they are slow swimmers by default. However, these goldfish are known to have impressive and colorful fins.

You should also know that males are typically smaller than females. During mating season, fish owners can easily differentiate them since the male develops breeding tubercles in their fins that are quite visible as they look like small bumps.

In terms of their size, they are usually around six to eight inches in length. However, when their living conditions are favorable, they can be longer.

Average Lifespan

The Black Moor Goldfish are highly popular among fish owners because of their long lifespans. On average, they can live between ten to fifteen years. However, they can live longer if their living conditions are favorable.


To effectively care for Black Moor, you should ensure that their diet is specifically designed for goldfish and of high quality. In this case, their food should be well-formulated and meet their nutrition requirements.

With that said, some of the typical food given to Black Moor Goldfish include the following:

Floating Pellets

Floating pellets usually contain a high percentage of plant-based nutrient requirements, such as alfalfa and kale. However, these pellets also tend to have a higher amount of starch, which can take up too much space in the tank.

So, make sure you give them just enough of these pellets to avoid overcrowding the surface of the tank.

Sinking Pellets

Sinking pellets contain less starch and are usually more nutritious than floating pellets. These are excellent alternatives for Black Moors, but you should ensure that you don’t give them too many of these during feeding time.

That’s because when they’re buried in gravel, they can produce a foul smell that can also negatively affect the tank’s water quality.

Plants And Meat

Black Moor Goldfish are omnivorous, which means they can consume plants and meat. In this case, they can eat tiny tadpoles, insects, larvae, and other smaller pieces of vegetables.

However, processed food tends to be better for these fish since they can quickly digest them. So, consider giving them moist or frozen food since these are more easily digestible.

Green Vegetables

Green vegetables are also excellent choices for Black Moors because these can help prevent constipation. This is primarily due to the higher levels of fiber found in these vegetables.

black moor goldfish

Required Tank Conditions

Since these fish have poor eyesight, they usually feed on microscopic objects. Due to this factor, it’s best to know what to add when setting up their tanks.

Below are some of the factors you need to consider when building a tank for the Black Moors:


The Black Moors don’t need high temperatures to survive. In fact, the ideal tank temperatures for these fish are somewhere from 10 to 24 degrees Celsius. However, you should also make sure that the water’s temperatures don’t fluctuate as this can harm them.

If you plan on breeding these fish, make sure to keep the temperature at a steady 20 degrees Celsius.

Water pH Levels

Aside from the temperature, it would be best to consider the water’s pH levels. In this case, they thrive in water with a neutral pH level, which is typically around 6.5 to 7.5.

In addition to that, you should also ensure that the water is free-flowing to help them move more steadily and easily around the tank.

Smallest Tank Size

The recommended tank size for the Black Moors should be around 20 gallons of water. However, if you want to add more fish, make sure you add 10 gallons for every subsequent fish you add to the tank.

Strength Of The Lighting

As mentioned, these type of goldfish have poor eyesight, which is why adding intense lighting for your fish tank is recommended. Doing so will help compensate for their poor vision and allow them to navigate around the tank more easily.

Substrate Type

Medium-sized gravel is the recommended substrate type for fish tanks that contain Black Moors.

Maintenance And Care

A clean environment is essential for the survival of the Black Moor Goldfish. So, it would be best to clean the tank whenever there are leftovers so they don’t fall and accumulate at the bottom of the tank. Not doing so will result in the leftovers rotting, producing a foul smell in the tank.

Moreover, even though they like the water being a bit murky, that doesn’t mean you should leave the water dirty. In this case, it’s best to change the tank water weekly or monthly, depending on how quickly the water gets muddy.

You should also observe your fish closely to see if they’re behaving strangely. Strange behavior can mean they’re sick, and you must isolate them immediately from the others if they are. Doing so prevents the spread of infection to the other fish in the tank.

The Best Tank Mates

Black Moor Goldfish are among the friendliest fish, and they usually do well in community tanks. However, because they are fragile and slow swimmers, you must consider several factors before picking the best tank mates.

In this case, the best way to consider the top tank mates is to pick fish with similar temperaments.

People often wonder whether Black Moors can live with other goldfish. The answer is usually yes, and they indeed can live together.

In fact, the top tank mates for Black Moors include the following:

  • Orandas
  • Comet goldfish
  • Catfish
  • Mollies
  • Angelfish
  • Tetras

If you’re planning on keeping several Black Moor fish together in a tank, make sure you give them enough space to move freely to avoid issues. Again, adding extra 10 gallons for every additional Black Moor you add to the tank is crucial.

Multiplication Of Black Moor Goldfish

If you’re planning on breeding these fish, you should know that they usually do so during springtime. It’s also vital to ensure they have the right conditions to multiply. This often means replicating the conditions in the wild, such as keeping the temperatures at the right level.

As a start, you can raise the water temperatures gradually every day until it reaches the ideal 24 degrees Celsius. It would be best if you also fed them plenty of protein-rich food, such as brine shrimps and worms. Doing so will help facilitate the spawning phase.

Maintaining the reproducing tank with moderate water levels of about 20% each day is also essential.

After some time, you can observe that the male Black Moor Goldfish will start circling the female one, suggesting that the mating is about to begin.

However, before spawning begins, you’ll notice that the male and female chase each other less aggressively. This process can continue for a few days, and their colors intensify.

You should also know that the females usually lay their eggs on the water’s surface, which is why the tank needs to have a flat surface for their eggs.

After the female lays the eggs, the male fertilizes them. Each female can lay up to ten thousand eggs, most of which will hatch after a few days.

With that said, you should keep the eggs away from the adults as far as possible as they will ultimately consume them as food. Once the eggs have hatched, it’s vital to feed the fry some iron and protein-rich diet as food for about two months.

Once the two months are over, the fry can be reintroduced to their parents, where they can eat similar types of food as they gradually grow larger and older.

Difference Between Male And Female Black Moors

The male has white prickles during the reproduction season, called breeding tubercles. The procreation tubercles are found in the gills cover and the head.

Aside from that, when viewed from above, the female will have a fatter appearance when carrying eggs after the mating period has ended.

With that said, it’s usually impossible to classify the sex of a Black Moor Goldfish when it’s younger. Still, the male is generally more petite and much slender than the female.

Diseases That May Affect Their Health

Inadequately maintained fish tanks or aquariums are what usually causes the diseases in these fish. Unfortunately, when the infections are left untreated, they may lead to death.

When a Black Moor Goldfish has been infected with a disease, you should move and isolate them to prevent the others from becoming infected. In this case, it’s best to place them in a separate tank with no gravel, and you’ll need to change the water regularly.

If the disease has already spread throughout the tank, you can do treatments there. However, make sure you read the instructions carefully before administering any medication to your fish. That’s because some medications can affect the water quality by killing or denaturing beneficial bacteria.

You should also eliminate carbon from the filtration system since carbon absorbs the medications rendering the treatment useless.

black moors

Types of Black Moors Diseases

Some of the most common diseases that affect the Black Moor Goldfish include the following:

  • Fungal infections
  • Bacterial infections
  • Protozoa
  • Parasites

Some other diseases are caused by poor nutrition and water conditions, as well as injuries. In fact, one of the most common diseases in the Itch – a protozoan disease.

You can quickly identify the Itch since the black more goldfish looks like salt was sprinkled on top of it. Although a Black Moor fish owner can promptly treat the disease, it can be lethal and cause death to the fish if left untreated for a long time.

The other common disease is Costia, which causes the skin of these goldfish to appear clouded. The other terrible disease is Chilodonella which causes blue-white cloudiness on the skin.

Some external parasites are easily treated and are not lethal. They include the flukes, which are flatworms around 1mm long. They also have hooks around their mouths, and they infest the gills.

Another parasite that affects the Black Moor Goldfish is the fish lice, about five millimeters long and attached to the goldfish’s body.

Another disease that may affect them is the swim bladder disease which affects the balance of the fish as it tries to swim in the water. It’s usually caused by constipation of the fish, poor nutrition, the fish having deformity, or parasitic infection.

The cloud eye disease also affects the Black Moors, which can be caused by various reasons such as constipation and poor nutrition in fish. It would also be best to treat wounds and ulcers to avoid diseases.


Everyone can find Black Moor Goldfish almost anywhere, and they’re relatively affordable. For example, they can be found in pet stores or purchased online.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Black Moor Goldfish Can You Keep Together?

Keeping at least two together in a tank is okay as long as they can stay together without any problems.

However, upon adding another goldfish in the tank, you’ll need to add another 10 gallons to ensure they thrive. With that said, a 20-gallon aquarium can hold two to four Black Moors at a time.

Do Black Moor Goldfish Need A Bubbler?

Unless you’re keeping a small goldfish in some medium-sized tank, there is a high possibility that a bubbler is required. Small tanks have limited oxygen, which means the Black Moors may struggle to thrive and live comfortably.

How Many Pellets Should I Feed My Black Moor?

It is recommended that you give them a pinch of pellet daily. It’s also best to feed them a pea or two, depending on the size of what you already gave them.

You should also note that you shouldn’t give them pellets anymore once you’ve already given them vegetables.

How Long Can A Black Moor Fish Go Without Food?

The good news is that the Black Moor fish can go without food for three to four days. However, after two weeks, they can become extraordinarily malnourished and starving. So, if you’ll be gone for more than three or four days, it’s advisable to make prior arrangements before leaving.

Can Black Moors Live In Warm Water?

The Black Moor can tolerate water temperatures between ten to twenty-four degrees Celsius. Due to this, many people can just ignore the tank heater and stick to room temperature water for the fish to survive.

They can also stay in waters of twenty-five degrees Celsius. However, despite being flexible when it comes their temperature requirements, you have to keep in mind that they are susceptible to temperature changes.

If temperature goes up or down too quickly, they will die. So whenever possible, keep your water tank away from direct sunlight or vents to maintain the water’s temperature at all times.

black moor size


By considering the information in this Black Moor Goldfish care guide, it’s easy to see that you can easily keep and care for these fish as long as you follow the instructions. After all, black moor is a peaceful goldfish that can live for many years when taken care of.

They also take up less space in a tank and are easy to maintain, making them good companions, especially for offices. You can also keep them with other types of fish, especially species that share the same temperament as the Black Moors.

Overall, you don’t need to exert much effort to keep Black Moor Goldfish alive, but it’s still better to be aware of how to do so to ensure they survive and thrive under your care.


Passionate fishkeeper. Nature lover. Creative thinker. Music junkie. Adventurer.

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