When you get a Blue Acara fish, chances are they’re going to be your favorite pet in the tank. This is because they have beautiful looks, are more peaceful than most cichlids, and are fun and exciting to play with.
Proper tank mates can be essential for your Blue Acara fish, particularly if you are planning to add more than one Blue Acara to your aquarium.
They will also help with socialization and lesser territorial tendencies. However, it is important to ensure that you get the right tank mates when keeping different species of fish together to help them survive and thrive better in your tank.
There are certain species that you do not want to keep in with the Blue Acara because they will most likely have similar personalities or will pick on them.
Before we look at the list of 10 best Blue Acara tank mates that you can have for pet fish, let’s first have a glimpse of the Blue Acara.
Blue Acara Overview
The Blue Acara is a type of cichlid that comes from South America. They are found in Brazil and Venezuela.
Blue Acara have a beautiful blue color with a slight tint of green, which can be enhanced by specific lighting. They are considered one of the more peaceful cichlids and can generally be housed with other fish in an aquarium.
If you love Blue Acaras, you must know that these kinds of fishes are not just fun to observe but also simple ones to care for.
They are considered an excellent choice for hobbyists who want to experience the fun of having a South American cichlid fish because they can be friendly and exciting tank mates.
Blue Acaras are easy to care for and are very adaptable to different water conditions, making them a suitable fish for beginners.
These fish also have a more laid-back nature than other cichlids, which makes them more suitable for community tanks. However, Blue Acaras can be semi-aggressive and territorial like any other cichlid when they feel threatened. They need plenty of space and hiding spots in the tank to prevent aggression from developing.
Blue Acaras should be kept as part of a group or pair as they are sociable fish. You will want to choose tank mates that are of similar size and temperament as this species.
Best Blue Acara Tank Mates
Blue Acara tank mates are relatively easy to come by, as this species is known for being very peaceful. As with any fish species, they do have some preferences you should keep in mind when considering potential tank mates.
In this article, we will go for ten of the best Blue Acara tank mates, including some interesting facts about each of them.
1. Angelfish
Size: 6-10 Inches Tall
Min Tank Size: 30 Gallons
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Diet: Omnivorous (Flakes, Veggies, Pellets, Shrimp, Worms)
Care Level: Easy to Moderate

Angelfish are a popular choice for Blue Acara tank mates because they thrive in similar conditions. That said, you will want to make sure that you don’t pair your Blue Acara with small angelfish, as they tend to be more aggressive than larger ones.
This peaceful shoaling fish can be a great addition to your aquarium since they add a unique look to your community tank. They are extremely popular due to their shape, colors, and interesting behavior.
The different species of Angelfish can be found in the Amazon River Basin in South America and other areas, including Trinidad, Venezuela, and Colombia.
Angelfish are very beautiful and one of the most sought-after species of aquarium fishes. Their name is derived from their shape, which is laterally compressed like an angel’s wings.
Angelfish are normally found in groups of 8-10 in the wild, but they can also be found solitary or in pairs.
When kept singly in an aquarium, they will often become depressed. For this reason, it is highly advisable to keep them with other fish so that they can have company. Besides, there are several species of Angelfish available for aquarists, and they vary considerably in size, shape, and color.
Most angelfishes grow up to 8 inches in length, while the smallest ones grow up to 4 inches. Angelfish are simple creatures that like to hide in shallow water to prevent predators and to make a good living.
Some people say that they are not dangerous at all; others say that they can be quite aggressive if you approach them in their territory.
Whatever the truth is, there’s no doubt that these fish are very interesting creatures and an excellent Blue Acara tank mate.
2. Convict Cichlid Fish
Size: 5-6 inches adult size
Min Tank Size: 30 gallons
Temperament: Limited-aggressive
Diet: Omnivorous
Care Level: Moderate

The Convict Cichlid is a very popular freshwater aquarium fish and is also sometimes known as the Zebra Cichlid.
These fish are very attractive, with a silver body and black vertical stripes on the sides of their body. They are relatively small and grow to around 6 inches in length. Females are usually smaller than males.
The males also have pointed anal fins and dorsal fins that extend further back than those of females. The bottom part of the body of adult males turns blue during the breeding season.
The female’s color changes from gray to dark brown. You can tell an adult male from an adult female by looking at the dorsal fin since the male’s dorsal fin features several rays with long filaments.
The Convict Cichlid is a very hardy fish that can withstand extreme conditions, making them perfect for beginners and experienced aquarists alike. It has been known to thrive in pools and lakes.
The reason why people like keeping Convicts in their aquariums is that they are extremely easy to care for, and hatching their eggs is also pretty easy.
As with all cichlids, the convict cichlid is a territorial fish that will protect its area from intruders. Therefore, they can get quite aggressive, especially when they are breeding.
However, as long as there are no sharp edges or corners in your aquarium and you don’t overcrowd them, there will be less chance of injury to other aquarium residents or even itself.
3. Congo Tetra
Size: 3 inches
Min Tank Size: 20 gallons
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Carnivorous
Care Level: Moderate

The Congo Tetra is a very attractive, silvery-blue fish with a red-orange spot on the bottom of its tail fin. This fish has four vertical black lines on the body and several horizontal bands on the tail fin.
Congo Tetras are native to the Congo River Basin, where they inhabit slow-moving streams and rivers that contain vegetation.
They also inhabit marshes and swamps in the region. These fish prefer to live in soft, slightly acidic water with a temperature of between 24°C and 28°C. However, they will tolerate slightly harder water conditions.
The Congo Tetra is renowned for its bright coloring and peaceful nature.
The Congo Tetra feeds on worms, crustaceans, larvae, insect larvae, and small insects. However, they can be quite shy when first introduced to the aquarium, so care should be taken with feeding them initially until they realize food is available.
The Congo Tetra is an active fish that does well in groups of 6 of their species or more mates, so it is important to buy a large gallon aquarium.
Furthermore, the tank should have plenty of plants and other covers so they can feel secure.
Congo tetras are compatible with most tropical fish. Nevertheless, they should not be kept with larger or aggressive fish species since they are timid by nature.
They are easy to care for and look beautiful, so they are a great choice for beginner aquarists.
4. Firemouth Cichlid Fish
Size: 6 inches
Min Tank Size: 30 gallons
Temperament: Semi aggressive
Diet: Omnivorous
Care Level: Easy

The Firemouth is a beautiful fish that has a blue-green body and fins, with a light belly. The dorsal fin has an orange edge, and there’s a red band across the base of each caudal fin.
The cheeks, breast, and throat are orange, but this is more prominent in breeding males than females. There are also dark vertical bars on the body.
The Firemouth Cichlid is one of the common aquarium fish due to its beautiful colors, although it has an aggressive nature.
The Firemouth Cichlid is an omnivore that will eat almost anything it finds in its habitat. In an aquarium, it will eat standard flake food as well as live or frozen foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp.
The Firemouth Cichlid can grow up to 6 inches in length but usually stays between 4-5 inches in captivity. This species has a dark body that is usually decorated with red markings on their bellies and fins. Males will have a brighter color than females.
The Firemouth Cichlid is native to Central America, where it can be found in lakes, rivers, and estuaries.
They are commonly found in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras. The Firemouth Cichlid spends most of its time hanging out in rocky areas or debris at the bottom of the tank.
Due to their aggressive nature, it’s recommended that you keep the Firemouth Cichlid in an aquarium with other large, aggressive fish like Oscars or Jack Dempseys.
It’s important to note that even though this species gets along with other fish species like the Blue Acara, they will often hog all of the food. Thus, ensure you feed your Blue Acara first.
5. Harlequin Rasbora
Size: 2 inches
Min Tank Size: 15 gallons
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Omnivorous
Care Level: Easy

Harlequin Rasbora is one of the most beautiful fish available for freshwater aquarium hobbyists. These shoaling fish are known for their natural beauty and peaceful nature.
They have an oval body, which changes in shape depending on the direction of movement. The back part is slightly arched, and the abdomen is flat.
The fins are quite small, with dorsal fins and caudal fins being more elongated than the anal and pelvic fins. The mouth is small in size and has no teeth.
Males can be distinguished by their bright red tips of caudal fins, while females usually have dark red-brown caudal fins that are tinged with black at their tips, only when they’re sexually mature or spawning.
The Harlequin Rasbora is a small fish about 1.5 inches in length. They are very active and peaceful fishes and do well in a community tank with other non-aggressive fishes.
Being active fish, they need plenty of swimming space. Although they can survive in smaller tanks, they will look cool and happy in larger tanks.
Although Harlequin Rasboras can make a good tank mate for other small community fish, you need to be careful what you put them with as they are susceptible to diseases and can also jump out of your aquarium if you do not have a hood or lid.
The Harlequin Rasbora is a very easy fish to care for, making it an ideal choice for beginner aquarists.
They require very little maintenance and are happy to live in most water conditions. They prefer soft water but will adapt to most water conditions if acclimated properly.
6. Jack Dempsey
Size: 8 inches
Min Tank Size: 80 gallon
Temperament: Aggressive
Diet: Carnivorous
Care Level: Intermediate

The Jack Dempsey fish is a cichlid species that was named after the famous American boxer Jack Dempsey. These fish are hardy and long-lived in aquariums. However, they can be aggressive and territorial towards other tank mates.
They prefer to live in schools of at least six, but if you’re going to keep them in even pairs, it needs to be a male and female pair.
Jack Dempseys need to be kept with bigger, more docile species that can protect themselves against this feisty cichlid.
The Jack Dempsey cichlid is known for its aggressiveness, but this depends on how it was raised and how much space it was given. In nature, their aggression would be necessary for their survival, so it’s not inherently bad.
The Jack Dempsey is a medium-sized fish that can grow big enough to reach up to 20 cm in length.
The female Jack Dempsey has an oval-shaped body, while the male has a longer head with a pointed anal fin.
The fish can be recognized by its dark blue spots all over its body and fins, which are edged with gold stripes or halos. It also features a distinctive color pattern of green, blue, yellow, and black color variations on its head and body.
The pectoral, dorsal, and caudal fins are lined with blue spots with gold halos around them. The belly part is light greenish-yellow in color.
Because of this reputation and their natural aggressive tendencies, it is recommended to keep Jack Dempseys with other large Blue Acara.
7. Pictus Catfish
Size: 5 inches
Min Tank Size: 50 gallons
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Omnivorous
Care Level: Easy

The Pictus Catfish belongs to the Pimelodidae family and is a very popular fish in the aquarium hobby. This fish species is a long-whiskered, extremely elongated catfish with spots on its body.
Its body color varies from pale silver to yellowish-grey, and it has a white belly.
Both males and females have long barbels, although the barbels are longer in males, especially the two inner pairs. Females are larger than males and become rounder when ready to spawn.
Pictus Catfish can grow up to 6 inches in length and can live for 8-10 years of age.
These fish are most active at night. During the day, they will find a hiding place under driftwood or plants. They have lots of energy and enjoy swimming around their tank all day long.
Pictus Catfish are peaceful by nature and make an excellent addition to any community aquarium. They get along well with most other peaceful species and make excellent tank mates for many fish, such as Blue Acara.
Pictus Catfish should not be kept with aggressive species or fin nippers because they have very long fins that are easily nipped at.
They do best and feel comfortable when they are kept together in a group of their species. They are also less likely to hide if they are kept in a group since they feel safe in the presence of other members of their species.
8. Bristlenose Pleco
Size: 3 inches
Min Tank Size: 25 gallon
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Herbivorous
Care Level: Easy

The Bristlenose Pleco is one of the most common plecos in the hobby and a great choice for your freshwater aquarium.
Bristlenose Plecos are quite hardy, cute, and peaceful, and they won’t grow as large as the more well-known plecos like the Common Pleco).
The Bristlenose Pleco can be kept in a community aquarium with other peaceful species. However, ensure that you keep at least two of them together because they’re social fish.
Normally, Bristlenose Plecos do not get much bigger than 5 inches, although some specimens can exceed this size. They have a light brown body with darker spots.
The female has no bristles on the snout and is less colorful than the male, which has bushy tentacles around its mouth that look like a beard.
The Bristlenose Pleco is a voracious algae eater. Many aquarists keep this fish with the sole purpose of keeping algae under control in their tanks.
The most interesting fact about Bristlenose Pleco is that it has a flat head and bucks on its lips. It uses these bucks to look for food in different places. That’s how it got its name Bristlenose Pleco or “Bushynose.”
Bristlenose Plecos make a wonderful addition to community tanks. They normally spend their days scavenging for food in the bottom of your tank or hanging out on the glass.
Bristlenose Plecos often hide in caves or behind rocks during the day and come out at night to feed. Some have been known to develop a taste for fresh veggies such as courgettes and peppers.
9. Lemon Tetras
Size: 1.5 inches
Min Tank Size: 20 gallons
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Omnivorous
Care Level: Easy

Lemon Tetras are small schooling fish that inhabit the Amazon River basin in South America.
The Lemon Tetra is a small fish growing to about 1.2 inches long. Males and females look very similar, but males are usually slightly smaller and thinner than females.
Their bodies are transparent with a distinctive lemon-yellow stripe that runs from their snout to the base of their tail fin (caudal fin).
The dorsal fin has a red edge, and the anal fin is bright red. The caudal fin is deep yellow towards the front and turns white towards the end.
They live well with other peaceful fish. However, they need plenty of open swimming space as well as areas of dense vegetation where they can hide if they feel threatened.
The tank should be dimly lit with floating plants, driftwood, rocks, and caves placed around the sides.
10. Cory Catfish
Size: 4-5 inches
Min Tank Size: 20 gallons
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Omnivorous
Care Level: Easy

Also known as Corydoras, Cory Catfish is a small fish that is very popular with aquarists.
They are fairly small, peaceful bottom-dwelling fish that can be kept in almost any community tank.
They will spend most of the day scouring the bottom of the aquarium looking for food. These fish are social animals and should be kept in groups of at least 5 or more.
Corys are very popular due to their small size, peaceful nature, and their ability to eat leftover food from other fish. They also help keep your aquarium clean by eating algae off the glass and substrate. Hence, they are mostly known as bottom cleaners.
They come in many different colors and markings, but their coloration may not be as vibrant as some other species of fish because they live at the bottom of freshwater streams and lakes.
The dirt and debris at the bottom may dull their color over time.
They are peaceful fish and will get along with most other non-aggressive types of fish. Due to their playful and interactive nature, this fish species get along well with the Blue Acara.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Blue Acara aggressive?
Blue Acara is colorful fish species that hails from an aggressive fish family. Nevertheless, this fish is peaceful and can be kept with other species.
Will Blue Acara Eat Neon Tetras?
Blue Acaras are mostly peaceful fish. However, when an Electric Blue Acara is kept with a neon tetra, which is far smaller, the Acara may not be as friendly toward the tetra.
Is Blue Acara A Community Fish?
Yes, the Blue Acara is a social fish that can be housed in a community setting with other similarly sized and tempered species.
Why Is My Electric Blue Acara Turning Black?
An Electric Blue Acara may turn black if it is stressed. Stress causes the fish’s nervous system to release cortisol into its bloodstream, which then triggers melanophore aggregation.
This causes dark spots to form on the body and fins of an Acara that was previously colorful.
Are Electric Blue Acaras Plants Safe?
The Electric Blue Acara fish likes to nibble at soft-leaved plants. It can do well if your tank is heavily planted since it originally comes from rivers that are heavily planted as this helps to create a safe environment.
Also, you should ensure that your tank doesn’t have algae on the glass.
When keeping other fish with an acara cichlid, you have to pinpoint the specific behavior and needs of the species in question. Levels of aggression among fish vary widely, and the species you choose for your tank will play a significant part in determining how peaceful your home aquascape is.
If there’s only one fish in a tank, that fish is likely to be more aggressive than if there was a school of fish.
Moreover, some fish are just naturally aggressive. By considering these factors when choosing tank mates, you’ll have a much easier time maintaining a peaceful ecosystem.
We hope that our article has helped you narrow down these worthy choices, leaving you with several appropriate options to consider.