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Imagine a vibrant aquatic beauty that adds a burst of color to your aquarium, creating a stunning focal point that catches everyone’s attention.

Meet Ludwigia Repens, a stunning aquatic plant that will transform your tank into a mesmerizing underwater oasis. With its vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow, Ludwigia Repens is not only a delight for the eyes but also a thriving aquatic plant that will enhance the health of your aquatic ecosystem.

Get ready to discover the captivating world of Ludwigia Repens and how you can incorporate this exquisite plant into your aquarium.


Ludwigia Repens, also known as Red Ludwigia, is a popular aquatic plant often used in aquascaping. It belongs to the family Onagraceae and is native to North America.

This vibrant plant features stunning red or reddish-green leaves that add a pop of color to any aquarium. Ludwigia Repens is known for its dense and bushy growth, creating a lush and vibrant underwater landscape.


Ludwigia Repens typically grows to a height of 20 to 50 centimeters, depending on the conditions provided. The stems are thin and elongated, with branches branching off as the plant matures. The leaves are narrow and lance-shaped, with a vibrant red or reddish-green coloration.

The leaf color can vary depending on the lighting and nutrient levels in the tank. When grown under optimal conditions, Ludwigia Repens forms dense foliage, creating a visually striking underwater scenery.


In its natural habitat, Ludwigia Repens can be found in wetlands, ditches, and slow-moving streams. It prefers shallow waters with moderate to high light levels. The plant can tolerate a wide range of water temperatures, making it adaptable to various aquatic environments.

Ludwigia Repens is a versatile plant that can thrive in both submerged and emersed conditions, making it suitable for a range of aquarium setups.

Life Cycle

Ludwigia Repens follows a typical life cycle for aquatic plants. It starts as a small stem cutting or a rooted plant and continues to grow and develop. The plant will develop roots that anchor it into the substrate, allowing it to absorb nutrients from the water column.

As the stems grow, they produce lateral branches, further expanding the plant’s foliage. Over time, Ludwigia Repens may produce small yellow flowers, adding a touch of beauty to the aquarium. These flowers eventually turn into seed capsules, containing the plant’s reproductive structures.


To cultivate Ludwigia Repens successfully, it is essential to provide the plant with the right conditions to thrive.


Ludwigia Repens requires moderate to high lighting levels to maintain its vibrant coloration and promote healthy growth. LED lights or fluorescent bulbs with a color temperature of around 6500K are recommended for optimal growth.

It is essential to monitor the lighting intensity and duration to prevent algae growth and ensure the plant receives enough light for photosynthesis.

Water Parameters

Ludwigia Repens is a relatively hardy plant when it comes to water parameters. It can tolerate a wide range of pH levels between 6.0 to 7.5 and temperatures between 68°F to 82°F (20°C to 28°C).

However, it is crucial to maintain stable water conditions to prevent stress to the plant. Ludwigia Repens can adapt to both soft and hard water, but regular water changes are essential to maintain water quality.


A nutrient-rich substrate is essential for the proper growth of Ludwigia Repens. The substrate should be well-drained and rich in nutrients such as iron, potassium, and trace elements.

Aquatic plant-specific substrates or nutrient-rich gravel can provide the necessary nutrients for the plant’s roots. Adding a layer of laterite beneath the substrate can also help provide essential nutrients for healthy growth.

Nutrient Requirements

Ludwigia Repens is a relatively demanding plant when it comes to nutrient requirements. Regular supplementation with liquid fertilizers or root tabs is necessary to ensure the plant receives sufficient nutrients.

Iron, potassium, and micronutrients are especially important for vibrant leaf coloration and healthy growth. It is important to follow the dosing instructions provided with the fertilizers and monitor the nutrient levels regularly.


Propagating Ludwigia Repens is relatively easy and can be done through stem cuttings. Simply cut a healthy stem from the parent plant and replant it into the substrate. Remove any leaves from the lower part of the stem to expose the nodes, where the new roots will develop.

The stem will start developing new roots and eventually grow into a new plant. Regular pruning can also encourage lateral growth and denser foliage.

Benefits in Aquascaping

Ludwigia Repens offers several benefits when incorporated into an aquascape.

Aesthetic Appeal

One of the primary reasons aquarists choose Ludwigia Repens is its stunning aesthetic appeal. The vibrant red or reddish-green coloration of the leaves adds a captivating visual element to the aquarium.

The dense and bushy growth creates a lush and vibrant backdrop for other aquatic plants and enhances the overall beauty of the aquascape.


Ludwigia Repens, like other aquatic plants, plays a crucial role in oxygenating the aquarium. Through photosynthesis, the plant absorbs carbon dioxide from the water and releases oxygen.

This can help maintain a healthy oxygen level in the tank, benefiting both the plants and the aquatic inhabitants.

Algae Control

Ludwigia Repens can also help control algae growth in the aquarium. The dense foliage of the plant shades the substrate and reduces the availability of light and nutrients for algae. By outcompeting algae for resources, Ludwigia Repens can help maintain a balanced and algae-free environment.

Compatibility with Fish and Invertebrates

Ludwigia Repens is generally compatible with a wide range of fish and invertebrates commonly kept in aquariums.


Most peaceful community fish species can coexist harmoniously with Ludwigia Repens. Small tetras, rasboras, guppies, and livebearers are excellent tankmates. However, aggressive or herbivorous fish species may nibble on the delicate leaves, damaging the plant.

It is essential to choose fish species that are compatible with a planted aquarium and do not pose a threat to Ludwigia Repens.

Shrimp and Snails

Ludwigia Repens is also compatible with popular aquarium inhabitants like shrimp and snails. Shrimp species such as Cherry Shrimp and Amano Shrimp can safely live alongside Ludwigia Repens, as long as the water parameters are suitable for both.

Snails like Nerite Snails and Mystery Snails can also peacefully coexist with the plant, helping to clean the tank and control algae growth.

Potential Issues

While Ludwigia Repens is generally easy to grow, there are a few potential issues to be aware of.


Ludwigia Repens is known for its fast growth rate. Without regular pruning, the plant can quickly outgrow the desired space in the aquarium. It is important to monitor the plant’s growth and trim the stems regularly to maintain its desired size and shape.

Invasive Behavior

In certain environments, Ludwigia Repens has the potential to become invasive. If the plant is introduced into natural water bodies or ponds, it can spread rapidly and outcompete native vegetation.

It is crucial to dispose of excess or unwanted Ludwigia Repens responsibly and avoid releasing it into the wild.

Nutrient Imbalance

Ludwigia Repens can be sensitive to nutrient imbalances in the aquarium. Insufficient or excessive nutrients can lead to issues with growth and coloration. Regular water testing and nutrient supplementation can help maintain the optimal nutrient levels for the plant’s health.


Maintaining Ludwigia Repens involves regular care and maintenance to ensure healthy growth.


Regular pruning is essential to control the growth of Ludwigia Repens. Trim the stems using sharp scissors or aquatic plant pruning tools to maintain the desired size and shape.

Pruning also helps encourage lateral growth and denser foliage. Remove any dead or decaying leaves to prevent nutrient imbalances and maintain water quality.


Regular cleaning of the aquarium is necessary to prevent debris from accumulating around Ludwigia Repens.

Use a gentle aquarium vacuum or siphon to remove any excess organic matter from the substrate. This helps prevent nutrient buildup and maintains water clarity.


To promote healthy growth and vibrant coloration, regular fertilization is required. Supplement the aquarium with a balanced liquid fertilizer or root tabs to provide essential nutrients for Ludwigia Repens.

Follow the dosing instructions provided with the fertilizers and monitor nutrient levels to avoid over or under-dosing.

Ludwigia Repens has a few popular varieties that are commonly found in the aquascaping hobby.

Ludwigia Repens ‘Rubin’

Ludwigia Repens ‘Rubin’ is a beautiful variety with deep red leaves. The color intensifies under high lighting and nutrient conditions, adding a stunning contrast to green plants in the aquascape.

This variety is highly sought after for its vibrant coloration and is often used as a focal point or accent plant in aquascapes.

Ludwigia Repens ‘Super Red’

Ludwigia Repens ‘Super Red’ is another stunning variety with intense red coloration. The leaves are typically a bright red or reddish-pink, providing a vibrant and eye-catching element to the aquarium. This variety is highly popular among aquascapers looking to create a visually striking and colorful aquascape.

Similar Species

There are a few similar species that can be confused with Ludwigia Repens.

Ludwigia Palustris

Ludwigia Palustris, also known as Marsh Seedbox, closely resembles Ludwigia Repens. However, it has narrower leaves and a more elongated growth habit.

Ludwigia Palustris typically has a reddish-brown coloration, adding a more subtle touch of color to the aquarium compared to Ludwigia Repens.

Ludwigia Sedioides

Ludwigia Sedioides, commonly called Mosaic Plant, shares similarities with Ludwigia Repens in terms of leaf shape and coloration. However, Ludwigia Sedioides has unique patterned leaves with a mosaic-like appearance.

The leaves have a green base color with brown or reddish veins, creating an intricate and artistic look in the aquarium.

Where to Find and Buy Ludwigia Repens

Ludwigia Repens can be found at most aquarium stores specializing in aquatic plants. These stores often carry a variety of Ludwigia Repens and its different varieties.

If local options are limited, online retailers offer a wide selection of Ludwigia Repens and can ship the plants directly to your doorstep. When purchasing Ludwigia Repens, look for healthy plants with vibrant coloration and no signs of disease or pests.


Ludwigia Repens is a stunning aquatic plant that can enhance the beauty and health of any aquarium. With its vibrant red or reddish-green leaves and dense foliage, it adds a captivating element to aquascapes.

By providing the right conditions, including proper lighting, water parameters, and nutrient supplementation, Ludwigia Repens can thrive and offer a range of benefits. From aesthetic appeal to oxygenation and algae control, this versatile plant is a valuable addition to any aquascape.

Take proper care, maintain regular pruning and fertilization, and enjoy the lush and vibrant beauty of Ludwigia Repens in your own underwater world.


Passionate fishkeeper. Nature lover. Creative thinker. Music junkie. Adventurer.

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